Who: Any girl that will be entering 5th-12th grade for the upcoming 2023 school year and is a homeschooler is invited to attend this Parent/Player Interest Meeting.
What: The Parent/Player Interest Meeting is for parents & their daughters to learn about the TN Heat Cheer~Dance~Pom programs. This will include all details on tryouts, fees, schedules, etc.
When: Parents & their daughter MUST attend one of the two meetings to be eligible to try out. Those meeting options will be Sunday, April 2nd at 4pm -or- Monday, April 3rd at 7pm. (*Note you do not need to attend both meetings.)
Where: At the HEAT HOUSE in the rear of Charlie Daniels Park by the football field. 1075 Charlie Daniels Pkwy, Mt Juliet.
*The Tryout Date will be Thursday, April 20th. Only those that attend the Parent/Player Meeting will be given the opportunity to register for the tryouts. Tryout sessions will be assigned throughout the morning and early afternoon.
The mission of the TN Heat Cheer and Dance Teams is to provide a memorable experience that teaches the art and skill of cheerleading and dance, while keeping Christ at the center of everything we do. We will encourage teamwork, discipline, hard work, and commitment which will lead our young ladies to perform and live with integrity and class.
If after reading the linked information you have questions, please contact Coach Kristi Scott at CoachKristiScott@gmail.com.