Tag Archives: guidelines

Our Prayers Are With You – COVID19 Update

Important Update in regards to In-Person Heat Sports, the current executive order expires 1/20/2021:

“Lee’s executive order permits that game, school and facility administrators be allowed to attend games along with athletic officials, coaching and team personnel, parents, guardians and other immediate household members of athletes competing at the venues on that date. Media and athletic scouting personnel attending the event in a professional capacity and first responders may also be present within the facility.”


From our Family to yours, our prayers are with you and those you love in this time of need…..

We love our Heat family and I think it’s safe to say that many people feel we are living in uncertain and unprecedented times. Our community was first hit with a devastating tornado disrupting and, for some, destroying the lives of our colleagues, neighbors, friends, and family. Right on the heels of the tornado we are hit with a devastating pandemic with the COVID-19 virus. The ripple effects of these two events are far reaching. Some are homeless, without jobs, mourning the loss of friends and loved ones, high school and college seniors unable to finish their long school journey in their schools with their friends, kids unable to go to school to escape the abuse and neglect they experience at home, and churches are unable to meet in their physical buildings. The list of ripple effects could go on and on and on. What do we do in these times? We serve the Almighty God who has the power to end it all with one command. So why doesn’t He? Consider this, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 NLT. If we really examine these times closely, we’ll see that the tornado rallied our community together in a way we rarely see. Churches crossed denominational lines and worked side by side, actually being the body of Christ, and families who worship our God and families who don’t were all served by the hands and feet of Christ. His name and His good news was spread. The COVID-19 virus has caused families to spend time together like we rarely see anymore. How that time is spent is your choice, but we can’t say that God isn’t giving us ample opportunity to love one another and get to know one another again like we have the opportunity to do now. Many of us find ourselves with more “free” time than we’ve had in a very long time, so could He be saying “You remember all those years you said you just didn’t have time to read My word or spend a few minutes talking with me? Guess what, you’ve got time now.” We’ve seen families proudly displaying on social media how they as a FAMILY are worshiping God through their churches online services, instead of getting to the church “building” and everyone splitting up to help with nursery, coffee station, greeting team, sit with my friends, worship team on stage, etc… Maybe, just maybe, God is saying “I’m not surprised by these events. I’ve allowed them to happen so there is no room for excuses, because even when you feel uncertain, I am certainly still in control. Rely and trust in Me, choose Me.” So maybe instead of looking at these times as uncertain and focusing on what we feel we’ve lost, we should allow Him to show us the opportunities He’s creating for us. Just a thought.

Jimbo Savely
Chaplain – Tennessee Heat